Monday, April 25, 2011

Skin Cancer Game Assets

So I helped the skin cancer team with some assets over the weekend. I've already emailed them to Pace, and he will emailed them to who ever needs them in his group.

They told me that they needed some flowers, a leaf, and a new block. I've only been able to work on the first two so far.

Here is a render of the two things I did for them.

Both of those things weren't hard at all, but the flower took a little longer than I thought it would. I made three different colors of the flowers: red, blue, & purple. That way it will give them a little variety in the game.

I still need to know what kind of texture they want for the block they need, since making a block in Maya takes only seconds.

That's all for now, thanks for reading.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So today during class time, I managed to work on a few levels on maya. I also manages to get them textures and colored.

They aren't that complicated, and it takes just minutes to make a level.

The textures isn't all that complicated either, so I'm happy that we are able to make levels fast and iterate on them.

I will probably be working on more levels over the weekend and more texturing. I asked the Mountain Dew team if they needed anymore help, and they said no. So I will maybe ask the Skin Cancer team if they need help.

That's all for now, thanks for reading.

Sports Car Finished

So I finished modeling and texturing the sports car for the Mountain Dew team. I based it off the Bugatti Veyron, and I'm really proud of how it came out. The texture might need a little work, but I think it looks ok.

Those were some of the pictures I used as references for modeling the car. Here are a few renders of the model I made:

I think I'm done helping the Mountain Dew team for now, unless they need more help with the art assets.

That's all for now, thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Basic Agent

Here is the basic agent render. It looks a little too bright, but hopefully it looks better in Unity. If not, I will ask someone else to help me.

That's all for now, thanks.

Reworked Factory

So right after I submitted the new factory, they had issues with it since the agent couldn't walk onto the factory.

This new one doesn't have the floor it had before, but I still had to make the four pillars a little wide at the bottom so it won't tip over. I'll see if it works or not.

Here is a render of the new factory.

Again, the only difference between the factories is the color of the spikes.

I also reworked the thumbnails of the factories so that they are 100x100 with a transparent background.

That's all for now, thanks for reading.

New Factory

So here are a few renders of the new factory. The old model was too bulky and not really that high tech looking. I'm much more pleased with the new look.

The only difference between the factories is the color, which corresponds to the color scheme of the agents.

Swimmer Factory

Rammer Factory

Jumper Factory
So we have talked to the Tech guys and they said that we can add particle effects when an agents walks in, and we swap it for a new agent that is of the class that the factory belongs to.

I also finished the texture for the basic agent, but I'm trying to get it to look right. That's all for now, thanks for reading.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Finished Baja Truck

So today I finished the Baja Truck that I've been working on for about a week and a half.

It took me a while to get it right, but I think the finished result looks good. I had to make some adjustments to the model since they didn't want transparent glass on the truck, I decided to just use a lambert shader instead of redoing the whole texture.

Here are two renders from before and after the modifications. They are the same except for the glass.

I finished working on a new "factory" for the object oriented team. Charlie and I didn't like that we had to use an actual factory for the model, so I made a model that resembles a teleporter based of this image:

It doesn't look exactly like that, but its simular.

That's all for now, thanks for reading.